The Potentia Co-operative provides Investors with access to specially selected building and construction industry related businesses and property development projects in Australia.

The Management Board of the Co-operative has an extensive knowledge of the Australian building industry and property market, enabling it to seek out high-quality businesses and projects for Investors. We undertake intensive due diligence for each business and project to ensure that it meets the investment criteria we have determined for the Co-operative.

Your investment is pooled with other people’s investments to be allocated for investment as the board deem appropriate. The Co-operative raises money from investors through the issue of Co-operative Capital units which are secured across all assets of the Co-operative.

The Co-operative is offering an investment opportunity that provides a flexible, secure and convenient way for wealth accumulation.

The investment provides:

  • A low volatility, wholesale investment opportunity held under a regulated Co-operative structure.
  • Ongoing compliance with the reporting standards of the Department of Justice, the Office of fair trading and the ATO.
  • Audit compliance with the standards as prescribed by the Office of Fair Trading and ATO.
  • Access to wholesale investment opportunities in normally inaccessible markets.
  • Consolidated reporting of investments.
  • Efficient handling of the Co-operatives investment portfolio.
  • Distributions of interest is paid half yearly directly to your bank account where applicable.

The Co-operatives income and profits are derived from several sources which include:

  • Management fees charged to the acquired companies and projects for services provided
  • Interest on any capital funding made available to the projects and acquisitions at commercial rates
  • Dividends received from the subsidiaries acquired
  • Membership fees
  • Financial service fees
  • Sale of assets
  • Rental of assets acquired

There are a number of classes of CCU’s and in general holders do not participate in the profits of the Company, but receive a fixed interest rate on their investment. This means that you can access investments that you may not otherwise be able to, your transaction costs may be reduced, and you have access to our expertise as Managers of the Co-operative. As the Manager, we have the day to day control over the Co-operatives operations.

On an ongoing basis, we will have in place a constant review process that will ensure that the management of the Co-operative have the information available to it to properly assess the performance of each of the acquisitions and investment to ensure they have the ability to service any debts and to repay the capital portion of the debt security where applicable.

Legislative Investor Protection

The Co-operative is regulated under the Co-operatives national Law 2013 and the Victorian Co-operative act 1996 amended in 2014.

Directors of a Co-operative have a responsibility to act in an ethical manner and to be responsible in their management roles.

The auditor is responsible for reporting to Department of Justice; the capacity of management and if deemed either incompetent, irresponsible or fraudulent the department has the legal capacity to replace the board. We have instigated a rigid process of monthly audit with a Department of Justice approved auditor who’s role is to review not just the financial probity but also the adherence to the rules laid down by the Department of justice.

Investment objective and strategy

The Co-operative aims to provide our investors with stable and predictable income based on investing in a range of businesses and projects with geographic diversification across Australia and Asia. Investing in the Co-operative means you enjoy substantial diversification of investment.